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The Mission Statement and Vision Statement of your Company: How to write?

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There is no doubt that your business is your most prized possession and something that you have invested your heart and soul into. It is important that you conduct your business in a professional manner so that people understand your passion. One of the most important ways for people to get interested in your business is by reading inspiring information about you and your company. This is how you can make use of the vision and mission statements to move people and make them truly invested in your vision and make them move towards your mission.

Writing a Vision Statement

If you are trying to figure out what is a vision statement, it is a statement that highlights the purpose of your company with a special focus on your aspirations and goals. Your vision statement is a permanent aspect of your business even if you change the strategy. When you are starting to write a vision statement, you have to make sure that it is inspiring and has some human value. No matter what your company sells you must try to figure out how it benefits others in the long run. It is very important to include not only your organization’s goals with respect to benefit in humankind but also what unique values your company possesses that differentiates you from the others.

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Writing a Mission Statement

Many people find it difficult to differentiate between a Vision and Mission statement. A mission statement also takes into account the purpose of their company but they are quite specific with respect to your company. These statements are generally written in the present tense and highlight the primary goals and why your company exists in the market.  It is very important for you to find the one factor that differentiates you from the other sellers in the market and put it down on your mission statement. while it is supposed to be a precise statement, you must make sure that a mission statement takes into account everything that your company has set out to deliver.

A proper mission and vision statement provide your potential investors as well as buyers an opportunity to get to know you in a positive light. Make sure to take time when writing these statements and publishing them.